Raj Kishore is plagued by bad luck, which also follows his longtime friends Jag "Junky" Mohan and Chandra "Chandu" Kanth. Any venture the trio engage in results in losses or setbacks; even their fire-cracker shop burns down on its inaugural day. The trio fool Sanjana by making her fall in love with Raj and getting them a bank loan to start a new package delivery business. Having similarly been fooled by them before, her uncle catches wind of them and demands their money back. The trio escapes and inadvertently ends up making their first delivery: an expensive sports car for Janhvi, the daughter of a gangster Raja Sahab, and the niece of WiFi Bhai, Raja's brother-in-law. They deliver the car in a destroyed condition for which Raja Sahab and his goons torture them. They offer their services as servants, a suggestion which WiFi Bhai accepts; he convinces Raja Sahab to hire them against the wishes of their astrologer, who is aware of Kishore's lousy luck. They get employed as disposable servants; Junky and Chandu are used for testing food that Raja Sahab's and WiFi Bhai's enemies may have poisoned, while Raj serves as their decoy during travel. In the process, Chandu and Janhvi fall for each other. During one of their traveling assignments, old enemies Tulli and Bulli Seth attack their convoy, revealing that WiFi Bhai is a coward. Fed up with their constant rivalry, businessman-turned-don Niraj Modi, who absconded India after taking huge loans, proposes to end their conflict by offering each party ₹700 crores to invest. By their continued stroke of lousy luck, Raj, Junky and Chandu end up causing a fire that burns the whole stack of money. In a bid to save what's left of their money, Raja Sahab and WiFi Bhai send the trio to bet on their lucky horse. They instead overhear a conversation about another horse and bet on it, which instead loses the race. Unable to pay Raja Sahab and WiFi Bhai, the trio escape with Janhvi and Sanjana and her uncle following them. The group ends up on a glue truck where Janhvi's lips get stuck to Chandu's cheeks, and Sanjana and her uncle get stuck on their backs. They arrive in an abandoned house where they meet Kavya, staying there posing as a ghost after facing rejection in her acting career. There, Raj accidentally discovers a basement where Niraj keeps his stockpiles of cash. The trio steals the money and arrives at Raja Sahab and WiFi Bhai's house just when they are about to be executed by Niraj for not paying them. They settle the money and buy out Niraj's properties. Eventually, Niraj discovers that the trio pulled a fast one on him by stealing his own money to buy his properties. He arrives at Raja Sahab's house and threatens to kill them all. Raj reminds him that his money is not his own but stolen from India and Raj himself is an ex-employee of one of the banks Niraj took loans from and thus was one of many people who lost jobs because of Niraj. Raj also goads Niraj's henchmen into keeping the money for themselves. A skirmish ensues involving three escaped lions and concludes with detectives arriving to take Niraj into custody. Raj, Junky and Chandu reconcile their differences with Raja Sahab and WiFi Bhai. They live happily ever after.
- Yo Yo Honey Singh
- Yo Yo Honey Singh
- Yo Yo Honey Singh
Movie Name:
- Pagalpanti
Release Year:
- 2019
- Composer : Yo Yo Honey Singh
- Lyricist : Yo Yo Honey Singh
- Singer : Yo Yo Honey Singh
- Track 1 : Tum Par Hum Hai Atke ( तुम पर हम हैं अटके )
- Track 2 : Walla Walla ( वाला वाला )
- Track 4 : Bimar Dil ( बीमार दिलो )
- Track 5 : Pagalpanti (Title Track) ( पागलपंती (टाइटल ट्रैक) )