The film revolves around the continuous torture and violent beating of a child by his father even for small and unimportant tasks in order to enforce absolute punctuality on him. These childhood experiences cause lifelong psychiatric problems in the life of the child as he grows up to adulthood. He is a normal person in daily life and is efficiently working in a private firm. He starts having a love affair with a girl working in the same office but his life gets into serious troubles on many occasions due to his childhood nightmares. Tired and desperate to get over such frequent problems, he plans a very interesting, thrilling and dangerous game called 30 minutes.
सूना सारा लागे
Soona Sara Lage
- Haroon
- Swetab Pathak
- Javed Ali
Movie Name:
- 30 Minutes
Release Year:
- 2016
- Composer : Haroon
- Lyricist : Swetab Pathak
- Singer : Javed Ali
- Track 1 : Jadoo Sa Chhaya ( जादू सा छाया )
- Track 3 : Take It Easy ( आराम से )
- Track 4 : Tere Ishq Mein Duet Version ( तेरे इश्क में युगल संस्करण )
- Track 5 : Tere Ishq Mein Solo Version ( तेरे इश्क में सोलो वर्जन )
- Track 6 : Tumhe Bhi Meri Yaad ( तुम्हारे भी मेरी याद )
- Track 7 : Yara Tere Kutte Fail ( यारा तेरे कुट्टे फेल )