The film focuses on five girls who hail from different regions of India, and who have been selected to pose for the country's most prestigious annual calendar which is a joint effort between business tycoon Rishabh Kukreja and his photographer friend Timmy Sen.
शादी वाली रात
Shaadi Wali Night
- Amaal Mallik
- Kumaar
- Aditi Singh Sharma
Movie Name:
- Calendar Girls
Release Year:
- 2015
- Composer : Amaal Mallik
- Lyricist : Kumaar
- Singer : Aditi Singh Sharma
- Track 1 : Awesome Mora Mahiya ( बहुत बढ़िया मोरा महिया )
- Track 2 : We Will Rock The World ( वी विल रॉक द वर्ल्ड )
- Track 3 : Khwaishein (Rock Version) ( ख्वाइशीं (रॉक संस्करण) )
- Track 5 : Khwaishein (Film Version) ( ख्वाहिशें (फिल्म संस्करण) )