Danish, a mute man from Igatpuri whose childhood dream was to become a Bollywood actor, reaches Mumbai to fulfill his dream. He tries to enter Film City, but gets stopped by the guards there. He trespasses the gate and comes across an assistant director, Akshara Pandey, who is amazed by his acting. She approaches a director for requesting a role for Danish in a film, but the director refuses after he comes to know that Danish cannot speak. Danish and Akshara go to a voice hospital to get his check-up, but doctors declare his vocal chords are fully paralyzed and are unable to be treated. Akshara's father reveals a new "Live Voice Transfer Technology" exists in Finland; a chip will be fitted inside the patient's larynx which can help them "speak" via a borrowed voice. After getting this operation done in Finland, Akshara and Danish return to Mumbai and set out to search for a person who could speak for Danish every time, when they come across an old drunkard, Amitabh Sinha, lying on the footpath. Amitabh also wanted to become an actor but was rejected because of his voice. Danish approaches the director again, who agrees to launch him this time, but wanted him to change his name. Danish searches for a name and concludes on Shamitabh (a portmanteau of Danish and Amitabh), giving credit to the person who provided him with voice. Danish makes two films and turns out to be a hit actor to which Amitabh realises was only because of him and an ego problem between the two starts to rise. Danish arrives at London to deliver a speech which Amitabh voices for him, but Danish treats him like a servant. Amitabh later becomes inebriated and is arrested after attacking a police officer, but Danish bails him out. When the duo return to Mumbai, journalists ask Danish if he is apologetic about the incident. Danish tells Amitabh to say that he apologises from his servant, Amitabh's side. Enraged, Amitabh mischievously makes him reply in negative, much to Danish's fury. The duo parts ways; Danish plays a mute person in his next film, while Amitabh dubs for another actor in a different film. Both films fail. Akshara makes both Amitabh and Danish realise they are nothing without each other and gets them together for a film titled Sorry, which she is directing. Meanwhile, Akshara and Danish tell that they like each other. While Amitabh and Danish are on the way to the venue of the press meet for Sorry, a car accident occurs; Danish is killed while Amitabh's larynx is damaged, making him mute. Some time later, Amitabh paces around Danish's grave with the script of Sorry, imagining that Danish is still alive and practising his lines for the film.
शा शा शा मी मी मि
Sha Sha Sha Mi Mi Mi
- Ilayaraja ( Ilaiya Raja)
- Kausar Munir
- Caralisa Monterio
Movie Name:
- Shamitabh
Release Year:
- 2015
- Composer : Ilayaraja ( Ilaiya Raja)
- Lyricist : Kausar Munir
- Singer : Caralisa Monterio
- Track 1 : Ishq E Phillum ( इश्क ए फिलुम )
- Track 3 : Piddly Si Baatein ( पिडली सी बातें )
- Track 4 : Stereophonic Sannata ( स्टीरियोफोनिक सन्नाटा )
- Track 5 : Thappad ( थप्पड़ )
- Track 6 : Lifebuoy ( लाइफबॉय )