Guardians (Hindi Dubbed) is the dubbed version of Russian superhero movie directed by Russian-Armenian filmmaker Sarik Andreasyan. The movie features Sebastien Sisak, Anton Pampushnyy, Sanzhar Madiyev, Alina Lanina, Valeriya Shkirando, and Stanislav Shirin in the lead roles. The music of the movie was composed by Georgiy Zheryakov. While the cinematography was taken care of by Maksim Osadchiy-Korytkovskiy, the editing was done by Georgiy Isaakyan. The movie is a combination of drama, action, fun, and a lot of thrill that will keep you hooked. Watch Guardians Hindi Dubbed online to enjoy this fantastic drama that will surely keep you engaged to the core.
रूथाना है अगर मेरी जा
Ruthana Hai Agar Meri Jaa
- Onkar Rana, K. Ratnesh
- K. Ratnesh
- Saveri
Movie Name:
- Gaurdians
Release Year:
- 2014
- Composer : Onkar Rana , K. Ratnesh
- Lyricist : K. Ratnesh
- Singer : Saveri
- Track 1 : Talwar Teriyan Akhiyan ( तलवार तेरियान अखियां )
- Track 2 : Ek Chand Badalon Mein ( एक चांद बादलों में )
- Track 3 : Pyar Banke Aap Meri Zinda ( प्यार बांके आप मेरी जिंदा )
- Track 4 : Chadti Jawani Kare Panga ( छत्ती जवानी करे पंगा )
- Track 6 : Maar Ke Aayi Tadaka Jawan ( मार के आई तड़का जवान )