Detective Mike Fletcher, a rugged and obsessive police officer, and his partner Kelsey Walker, are on the trail of a serial killer who prowls the streets targeting young streetwalkers. When his teenage daughter disappears, Fletcher discovers that the killer has kidnapped her after mistaking her for a prostitute. Fletcher's obsession goes into overdrive when he drops all professional restraint to get the killer and save his daughter
लेट मी टच यू
Let Me Touch You
- Aslam Keyi
- Jamil Ahmed
- Harmaan Nazim, Alifiya Shetty, Fae Soares
Movie Name:
- Faactory
Release Year:
- 2021
- Composer : Aslam Keyi
- Lyricist : Jamil Ahmed
- Singer : Harmaan Nazim , Alifiya Shetty , Fae Soares
- Track 1 : Fry Day Ho Dry Day Ho ( फ्राई डे हो ड्राई डे हो )
- Track 2 : Ishq Tera Pal Raha ( इश्क तेरा पल रहा )
- Track 3 : Tu Faaslon Ko Yun Jodh De ( तू फासलों को यूं जोध दे )