The film starts with Jatin (Taaha Shah) and his parents looking after his elder brother Akash (Priyanshu Chatterjee) who is in the ICU. Jatin gets reminded that he has to be the chief guest at a book launch of 'AKS'. In spite of being worried sick for his brother, Jatin honors his commitment and inaugurates the book. As soon as he starts reading a few excerpts, it rings a bell and he rushes to find who the publisher is. However, the publisher says he is unaware of the author's whereabouts. The book launch takes you through a series of flashbacks. You are introduced to Barkhaa (Sara Loren), with whom Jatin falls in love with, the moment he sees her in Himachal. Barkhaa, however, is a bar girl with a mysterious past. Jatin pursues her but she is hesitant to get married to him. She eventually agrees to meet his parents. Jatin's father (Puneet Issar) strongly opposes the marriage. Elder brother Akash is shocked by Jatin's choice (he knows Barkhaa is a single mother since it was he to deserted her after she got pregnant with his child). Barkhaa too leaves the house after seeing Akash. On getting to know the truth, Jatin accepts Barkhaa and the two get married.
खुदा भी ना देखे (रीमिक्स)
Khuda Bhi Na Dikhe (Remix)
- Amjad-Nadeem ( Nadeem-Amjad)
- Shadab Akhtar
- Krishna Beura
Movie Name:
- Barkhaa
Release Year:
- 2015
- Composer : Amjad-Nadeem ( Nadeem-Amjad)
- Lyricist : Shadab Akhtar
- Singer : Krishna Beura
- Track 1 : Naughty No.1 ( शरारती नंबर 1 )
- Track 2 : Tu Itni Khoobsurat Hai ( तू इतनी खूबसूरत है )
- Track 3 : Pehli Dafa ( पहली दाफा )
- Track 4 : Lafze Bayaan ( लफ़्ज़े बयान )
- Track 5 : Khuda Bhi Na Dikhe ( खुदा भी ना दिखें )
- Track 6 : Mann Quanto Maula ( मान क्वांटो मौला )
- Track 7 : Tu Itni Khoobsurat Hai (Reloaded) ( तू इतनी खूबसूरत है (रीलोडेड) )