The story revolves around the film's eight-year-old protagonist, Kannu (Kanojia), who lives in a slum and dreams of building a toilet for his mother. After his mother Sargam (Patil) is raped when she goes out in the night to defecate in the open, Kannu takes charge of improving the conditions in the slum. In his quest to build a toilet, Kannu writes a letter to the prime minister and travels to Delhi from Mumbai with his comrades Ringtone (Bharti) and Nirala (Prasad). The fourth member of their gang Mangla (Syna Anand) is providing support to the family back in Mumbai. After they give their letter to the office in Delhi, they return to Mumbai where Sargam is very worried for Kannu. When defecating near the pipes, Kannu mistakenly falls in the water and his friend, Ringtone jumps in to save him. Sargam comes to find Kannnu and Ringtone unharmed. The Toilet is eventually built but a public toilet not a private one but Kannu is still grateful that it was at least built. The slum residents all come to celebrate the toilet being built and inaugurate it.
कान्हा रे
Kanha Re
- Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy
- Gulzar
- Rekha Bhardwaj
Movie Name:
- Mere Pyare Prime Minister
Release Year:
- 2019
- Composer : Shankar-Ehsaan-Loy
- Lyricist : Gulzar
- Singer : Rekha Bhardwaj
- Track 1 : Mere Pyare Prime Minister-Title Track ( मेरे प्यारे प्राइम मिनिस्टर-टाइटल ट्रैक )
- Track 2 : Rezgaariyaan ( रेज़गरियान )
- Track 4 : Bajaa Bajaa Dhol Bajaa ( बाजा बजा ढोल बजा )