The film tells the story of Rai Saheb. He is an NRI who returns to India. He is a strong believer in the principles given by Gandhiji. His father played an active role in the freedom struggle and was closely associated with him. In India, he meets four different people who have taken the wrong paths due to various circumstances. Saheb makes them understand the importance of Gandhi's principles. Additionally, it exhibits how Gandhian values continue to remain relevant and can bring peace if implemented effectively.
का खा
Ka Kha
- Shivam Pathak, Sahil Rayyan
- Shivam Pathak
- Shivam Pathak
Movie Name:
- Gandhigiri
Release Year:
- 2016
- Composer : Shivam Pathak , Sahil Rayyan
- Lyricist : Shivam Pathak
- Singer : Shivam Pathak
- Track 1 : Soorat Teri ( सूरत तेरी )
- Track 3 : Bhatti Garam Hai ( भट्टी गरम है )
- Track 4 : Yaara Ve ( यारा वे )
- Track 5 : Dard Ka Pata ( दर्द का पता )