Based on true event of valour shown by Bengal police, where the story revolves around a train robbery masterminded by Jharkhand based outlaw father-son Duo ( Shilendra and Satyendra Yadav). The chain of events unravel the true identity of the real culprit who happens to be a master of disguise, but ultimately meets his fate at the hand of Bengal police team after much pursuit thru different countries.
हर खुशी
Har Khushi
- Pinaki Bose, Rohan D. Pathak
- Rohan D. Pathak
- Kumar Sanu
- Sanchari Laha
Movie Name:
- Chase No Mercy To Crime
Release Year:
- 2019
- Composer : Pinaki Bose , Rohan D. Pathak
- Lyricist : Rohan D. Pathak
- Producer : Kumar Sanu
- Singer : Sanchari Laha
- Track 2 : One Two ( एक दो )