The film begins with Udai (Prateik Babbar) leaving his village for the United States, telling his little brother Ramakant (Suraj Sharma) to always remember what he tells him. While his mother is crying due to Udai's departure, he tells him to always write to the family when he gets to "Umrika" ("America" as spoken with an accent). Following the death of his father, Ramakant realises that the letters his family has been receiving from Udai have been forged by his father and uncle, and learns that Udai vanished when he reached his port city, Mumbai. He embarks upon a journey to locate his brother.
- Dustin O'Halloran
- Dustin O'Halloran
- Dustin O'Halloran
Movie Name:
- Umrika
Release Year:
- 2016
- Composer : Dustin O'Halloran
- Lyricist : Dustin O'Halloran
- Singer : Dustin O'Halloran
- Track 1 : Prologue ( प्रस्ताव )
- Track 2 : The Priest ( द प्रियात ( पुरोहित )
- Track 3 : Letters ( पत्र )
- Track 4 : Umrika Village ( उमरिका गांव )
- Track 5 : Death of a Father ( एक पिता की मृत्यु )
- Track 6 : Secrets Revealed ( रहस्य का पता चला )
- Track 7 : A Chosen Path ( एक चुना पथ )
- Track 8 : A Passage to Mumbai ( मुंबई के लिए एक मार्ग )
- Track 9 : Into the City ( शहर में )
- Track 10 : Umrika ( उमरिका )
- Track 11 : A Killing ( एक हत्या )
- Track 12 : You Are Lost Brother ( यू आर लॉस्ट ब्रदर )
- Track 13 : Pictures of Family ( परिवार की तस्वीरें )
- Track 15 : Farewell My Brother ( विदाई मेरे भाई )
- Track 16 : A Voyage Begins ( एक यात्रा शुरू )
- Track 17 : Epilogue ( उपसंहार )