The film revolves around Sanjay Kumar Chaturvedi, an IT engineer, and Karina D'souza. They both work in the same bank and dream of having their own home but are held back because of problems in their personal lives. Sanjay's boss, Rashi Khurana is having an extra-marital affair with him, but refuses to leave her husband, Kashin, while Karina is betrothed to Samuel and constantly held back from her dream of owning a home, by her mother Blossom. Everything changes when Sanjay finds out about a joint housing scheme, and asks Karina to apply for the scheme with him. She agrees and the movie portrays various problems they have as they are trying to buy the apartment as an unmarried couple.
चिकन नृत्य
Chicken Dance
- Sohail Sen
- Aanand Tiwari
- Benny Dayal, Shivangi Bhayana
Movie Name:
- Love per Square Foot
Release Year:
- 2018
- Composer : Sohail Sen
- Lyricist : Aanand Tiwari
- Singer : Benny Dayal , Shivangi Bhayana
- Track 1 : Yatri Kripaya Dhyaan De ( यात्री कृपा ध्यान दे )
- Track 3 : Ishq Mein Bajti Hai Ghanti ( इश्क में बजती है घंटा )
- Track 4 : Aashiyana ( आशियाना )
- Track 5 : Maqbool Hai ( मकबूल है )
- Track 6 : Raaz Apne Dil Ke (Indian) ( राज अपने दिल के (भारतीय) )
- Track 7 : Raaz Apne Dil Ke (Western) ( राज अपने दिल के (वेस्टर्न) )