A satirical comedy film shot in Kanpur. The story revolves around a delusional and dysfunctional "Kanpuriya" family, are told of having hidden ancestral treasure. But in the process of finding the treasure, find the true lesson of life.
यहां सबी ज्ञानी हैं
Yahan Sabhi Gyani Hain
Mis Spell Name
- Yahan Sabhi Gyaani Hai
- Drama
Production House
- Ulterior Vision Production Private Limited, The Future Films
- Alka Sharma, Siddhant Sharma, Siddhartha Sharma
- Anant Tripathi
- -
Censor Date
- 01/02/2020
Censor Year
- 2020
Released date
- 07/02/2020
Released Year
- 2020
Censor Board Details (Central Board of Film Certification)
Certificate No :
- U/A 000 -MUM
Certificate Date :
- 01/02/2020
Office :
- Mumbai
Guage :
- -
Length :
- 10059 Feet 3353 Meters
Duration :
- 115 Minutes
Reels :
- 11
Color :
- Coloured
Native Language :
- Hindi
Dubbed Languages:
- Another Language
- Producer : Alka Sharma , Siddhant Sharma , Siddhartha Sharma
- Director : Anant Tripathi
- Writer : Anant Tripathi
- Screenwriter- screenplay : Anant Tripathi
- Dialog Writer : Anant Tripathi
- Story : Anant Tripathi
- Cinematography- Camera Man : Anant Tripathi
- Editor : Anant Tripathi
- Art. Director : Anant Tripathi
- Actor : Neeraj Sood , Atul Srivastav
- Actress : Apoorva Arora