Suhani has been obsessed with a boy named Amar for some time now, from installing cameras in his house to observing him so closely as to know by his likes and dislikes. When all doors seem shut, Suhani gets the opportunity to install Friends, an app off the deep web that grants one of their wishes but with three tasks that need completing. The tasks are not some simple tasks but involve murder and killing of innocent people. When Suhani is already too deep in, in the journey to win over Amar, she wants to opt out, but one cannot leave the app midway. She realizes that she has been trapped and she has to complete the tasks for her to escape.
Mis Spell Name
- Unlock
- Drama
Production House
- Krasnaya Corporation, Wind Horse Films, ZEE5
- Bhuvanesh Shrivastava
- Debatma Mandal
- -
Censor Date
- 05/06/2020
Censor Year
- 2020
Released date
- 26/06/2020
Released Year
- 2020
Censor Board Details (Central Board of Film Certification)
Certificate No :
- U/A 00 mumbai
Certificate Date :
- 05/06/2020
Office :
- Mumbai
Guage :
- -
Length :
- 3661 Feet 1887 Meters
Duration :
- 58 Minutes
Reels :
- 6
Color :
- Coloured
Native Language :
- Hindi
Dubbed Languages:
- Producer : Bhuvanesh Shrivastava
- Director : Debatma Mandal
- Editor : Debatma Mandal
- Writer : Bhuvanesh Shrivastava , Hina Khan
- Dialog Writer : Bhuvanesh Shrivastava
- Actor : Kushal Tandon , Rishabh Srivastava
- Actress : Hina Khan , Aditi Arya