The Blueberry Hunt unfolds in a lush green deserted estate bordering the forest on the high altitudes of Vagamon, Kerala. The film centers around a recluse locally known as "Colonel"—played by Naseeruddin Shah, living with his large German Shepherd dog. The story focuses on the last five days when Colonel's plantation of a high potency variant of marijuana—Blueberry Skunk—gets ready for harvest.
द ब्लूबेरी हंट
The Blueberry Hunt
Mis Spell Name
- The Blue Berry Hunt, The Blueberree Hunt
- Thriller
Production House
- Anup Kurian Films
- Arun Kurian, Anup Kurian, Mathewkutty J. Mattam
- Anup Kurian
- Paresh Kamath, Naresh Kamath
Censor Date
- 04/03/2016
Censor Year
- 2016
Released date
- 08/04/2016
Released Year
- 2016
Censor Board Details (Central Board of Film Certification)
Certificate No :
- UA 0000
Certificate Date :
- 04/03/2016
Office :
- Mumbai
Guage :
- -
Length :
- 9096 Feet 3032 Meters
Duration :
- 110 Minutes
Reels :
- 10
Color :
- Coloured
Native Language :
- Hindi
Dubbed Languages:
- Another Language
- Producer : Arun Kurian , Anup Kurian , Mathewkutty J. Mattam
- Director : Anup Kurian
- Writer : Anup Kurian
- Composer : Paresh Kamath , Naresh Kamath
- Lyricist : Naresh Kamath
- Actor : Naseeruddin Shah , Vipin Sharma , Vinay Forrt