Fourteen-year-old Shruti Tandon has been found dead at her home in Sameer Vihar in Noida by her parents, Ramesh and Nutan, during the night of 15–16 March 2008. The local police initially look for Khempal, the missing servant but his decomposed body is later found on the terrace of the building where the Tandons live. The police question Kanhaiya, Khempal's close friend and the Tandons' assistant who says that Khempal might have been involved in a sexual relationship with Shruti. They begin to suspect the Tandons, and declare the murders a clear case of honour killing. On 25 March, the Noida police arrest Ramesh for the murders. The police chief organises a press conference, at which he says that Ramesh murdered Shruti and Khempal after he found them in a compromising position attributing this to honour killing. The victim blaming of Shruti leads to public outrage, and the case is given to Joint Director Ashwin Kumar of the Central Department of Investigation (CDI) and ACP Vedant. Kumar is contemptuous of the sloppy first responders, who botched the initial crime-scene investigation. He believes that the parents are innocent, and methodically builds a case against the father's resentful assistant. His team uses narco tests in their attempt to prove that the assistant (and two accomplices) committed the murders. Kumar exonerates the parents on 22 June 2008, and Ramesh is released from jail. As Kumar is about to conclude his investigation, his senior officer retires and is replaced by a new CDI chief. ACP Vedant, eager to receive a promotion, begins working against Kumar. This leads to an altercation between the two officers, which results in Kumar's suspension. The CDI gives the case to a new investigative team led by Kumar's former superior, Paul, who concludes that the parents committed the murders. Both investigative teams, with opposing hypotheses, make their cases to the CDI chief. The CDI files a closure report in the Ghaziabad court naming the parents as prime suspects, but the evidence is insufficient to prosecute. The Tandons file a protest plea against the CDI report. The judge rejects the closure report, and accuses the parents in the case. The trial begins on 8 June 2012, and the Tandons are convicted of the murders several months later.
Mis Spell Name
- Talvaar, Talwar, Talwaar
- Thriller
Production House
- VB Pictures,Junglee Pictures
- Vineet Jain, Vishal Bhardwaj
- Meghna Gulzar
- Vishal Bhardwaj
Censor Date
- 25/09/2015
Censor Year
- 2015
Released date
- 02/10/2015
Released Year
- 2015
Censor Board Details (Central Board of Film Certification)
Certificate No :
- UA 0000
Certificate Date :
- 25/09/2015
Office :
- Mumbai
Guage :
- -
Length :
- 10236 Feet 3612 Meters
Duration :
- 133 Minutes
Reels :
- 12
Color :
- Coloured
Native Language :
- Hindi
Dubbed Languages:
- Another Language
- Producer : Vineet Jain , Vishal Bhardwaj
- Director : Meghna Gulzar
- Writer : Vishal Bhardwaj as (-Based on-2008 Noida double murder case )
- Screenwriter- screenplay : Vishal Bhardwaj
- Editor : Vishal Bhardwaj
- Cinematography- Camera Man : Vishal Bhardwaj
- Composer : Vishal Bhardwaj
- Lyricist : Gulzar
- Actor : Irrfan Khan
- Actress : Konkona Sen Sharma , Tabbu ( Tabassum Fatima Hashmi ) Tabu
- Track 1 : Insaaf ( इंसाफ )
- Track 2 : Patli Gali ( पाटली गली )
- Track 3 : Shaam Ke Saaye ( शाम के साईं )
- Track 4 : Zinda ( ज़िदा )