The film shows the origin story of Shabana Khan, who ends up working as a proficient field agent with Ajay Singh. It begins with two Indian agents working under Ranvir Singh chasing an international arms dealer named Mikhail, but he kills them both and escapes. A year later, Shabana, a college student who trains as a Kūdō fighter, falls under the agency's radar and starts being followed by them as a potential recruit. One of her friends, Jai, who is in love with her, asks her on a date and confesses his love for her. He asks her about her past, and she tells him that she had been kept in juvenile detention for killing her abusive father, who used to physically assault her mother. This event is what brought her to the agency's attention. During their bike ride home, Shabana is a victim of eve teasing from a group of four drunk men in a jeep, resulting in Jai getting killed and the assailants fleeing. The main assailant escapes justice after being identified as the son of an influential man. Frustrated with the police, Shabana receives a call from an unknown number asking if she wants to avenge Jai's death. The caller, agent Ranvir Singh, agrees to help her take out the killer in exchange for Shabana joining a secret agency. Shabana agrees to this and receives information on the killer's whereabouts and the promised help that will aid her in killing them. She travels to Goa, where the killers are currently laying low. Keeping watch at a club, she is protected by another agent, who Ranvir tells her is their best. When she asks why they are helping her, Ranvir tells her she is special to them, and since this is important to her, they will help her as best they can. She decides to kill only the main assailant and leave the others living in fear of their lives. After she kills the guy in his hotel room, Ajay Singh, who protected her at the club, helps her escape. Following this, Shabana is recruited into the secret agency on a trial basis, wherein she receives extensive training in physical fitness and fighting techniques. The story then focuses on a global arms dealer and supplier, Mikhail. Three Indian agents track down Tony, Mikhail's right hand. Tony tips them off to a German doctor who has surgically changed Mikhail's face. By the time the agency contacts the doctor to find out how Mikhail looks now, Tony kills all three agents and escapes, revealing that he himself is Mikhail. Ranvir discovers Mikhail is planning another plastic surgery to change his face. This time, Shabana is sent to kill him with Ajay Singh and Om Prakash Shukla's help. Shabana enters the operation theater disguised as a patient and is about to kill Mikhail. To her surprise, he is awake as he had refused to take anesthesia during the operation. After a fight in which Mikhail almost strangles Shabana, she finally manages to kill him and escapes from the police with Ajay's help.
नाम शबाना
Naam Shabana
Mis Spell Name
- Naam Shabaana
- Thriller, Action
Production House
- Plan C Studios & Cape Of Good Films
- Shital Bhatia, Aruna Bhatia
- Shivam Nair
- Rochak Kohli
Censor Date
- 03/03/2017
Censor Year
- 2017
Released date
- 31/03/2017
Released Year
- 2017
Censor Board Details (Central Board of Film Certification)
Certificate No :
- U/A 0000 Mub
Certificate Date :
- 03/03/2017
Office :
- Mumbai
Guage :
- -
Length :
- 11934 Feet 3978 Meters
Duration :
- 147 Minutes
Reels :
- 13
Color :
- Coloured
Native Language :
- Hindi
Dubbed Languages:
- Another Language
- Producer : Shital Bhatia , Aruna Bhatia
- Director : Shivam Nair
- Writer : Neeraj Pandey
- Screenwriter- screenplay : Neeraj Pandey
- Composer : Rochak Kohli
- Lyricist : Manoj Muntashir , Kumaar
- Actress : Taapsee Pannu
- Actor : Prithviraj Sukumaran , Akshay Kumar
- Track 1 : Rozana ( रोजाना )
- Track 2 : Zinda ( ज़िदा )
- Track 3 : Zubi Zubi ( ज़ुबी ज़ुबि )
- Track 4 : Dil Hua Besharam ( दिल हुआ बेशरम )