Mukti Bhawan follows the story of a reluctant son who must take his father to the holy city of Varanasi, where his father believes he will breathe his last and attain salvation. When a 77-year-old man, Daya, wakes up from a strange nightmare, he knows his time is up and he must get to Varanasi immediately in hope of dying there to attain salvation. His dutiful son, Rajiv, is left with no choice but to drop everything and make the journey with his stubborn father, leaving behind his wife and daughter. The two of them check into MuktiBhawan, a hotel devoted to people hoping to spend their last days there. Rajiv finds himself having to take care of his father for the first time in his life. While Rajiv struggles to juggle his responsibilities back home, Daya starts to bloom as he finds a sense of community in the hotel, and a companion in the 75-year old Vimla. As the days go by and Daya shows no sign of dying, Rajiv is faced with the dilemma of whether to remain there with his father or fulfill his duty back home.
मुक्ति भवन - अल-होटल साल्वेशन
Mukti Bhawan - AL-Hotel Salvation
अल-होटल साल्वेशन
AL-Hotel Salvation
Mis Spell Name
- Mukti Bhawan
- Drama
Production House
- Red Carpet Moving Pictures
- Sanjay Bhatia, Shubhashish Bhutiani
- Shubhashish Bhutiani
- -
Censor Date
- 03/03/2017
Censor Year
- 2017
Released date
- 07/04/2017
Released Year
- 2017
Censor Board Details (Central Board of Film Certification)
Certificate No :
- U/A 0000 Mub
Certificate Date :
- 03/03/2017
Office :
- Mumbai
Guage :
- -
Length :
- 8349 Feet 2783 Meters
Duration :
- 102 Minutes
Reels :
- 9
Color :
- Coloured
Native Language :
- Hindi
Dubbed Languages:
- Another Language
- Producer : Sanjay Bhatia , Shubhashish Bhutiani
- Director : Shubhashish Bhutiani
- Writer : Shubhashish Bhutiani
- Screenwriter- screenplay : Asad Hussain
- Dialog Writer : Asad Hussain
- Actor : Adil Hussain , Lalit Bhushan , Madhu Behl