Story revolves around Bhola Prasad tripathi (Arshad Warsi), a con man who marries rich ladies for his living. Bhola is living a happy married life with Sunita (Deepali Pansare) and living at her expenses. One day, her tauji (Saurabh Shukla) was coming to Lucknow so she fix up the meeting of her husband to meet tauji at railway station. It is shown that Bhola did not turn up to meet tauji at railway station, instead he has been running from local goons and happens to meet tauji in train. Both unknowingly meet with each other in the train, until Sunita send pics of Bhola to tauji on his mobile phone. Once tauji recognises Bhola, he pursue him by keeping his identity hidden and came to know about all the scams of Bhola and his relationships with various ladies in different parts of the city. Tauji, who is a detective who is hired by the police to catch him, becomes his associate. When Bhola meets Payal (Sara Loren), who is shown as a widow, he plans to con her but eventually falls in love with her. He finally robs her on the wedding day but could not run away due to his feelings for her. He comes back only to find out that she is also a fraudster like him who marries rich men for money. They both escape but Bhola gets caught by the police. He gets bailed after a week by tauji and Payal, who plans of the next con but he ditches her also at last and takes away all the jewellery and cash.
फ्रॅड सईया
Fraud Saiyaan
धोखाधड़ी सईयां
Mis Spell Name
- Fraud Saiyan
- Drama
Production House
- Tips Films, Mumbai
- Prakash Jha
- Sourabh Shrivastava
- Tanishk Bagchi, Sohail Sen
Censor Date
- 09/01/2019
Censor Year
- 2019
Released date
- 18/01/2019
Released Year
- 2019
Censor Board Details (Central Board of Film Certification)
Certificate No :
- U/A 000 -MUM
Certificate Date :
- 09/01/2019
Office :
- Mumbai
Guage :
- -
Length :
- 10026 Feet 3342 Meters
Duration :
- 110 Minutes
Reels :
- 11
Color :
- Coloured
Native Language :
- Hindi
Dubbed Languages:
- Another Language
- Producer : Prakash Jha
- Director : Sourabh Shrivastava
- Writer : Amal Donwaar , Sharad Tripathi
- Story : Sharad Tripathi
- Composer : Tanishk Bagchi , Sohail Sen
- Lyricist : Kumaar , Shabbir Ahmed
- Actor : Arshad Warsi , Saurabh Shukla
- Actress : Sara Loren
- Track 1 : Chamma Chamma ( छम्मा छम्मा )
- Track 2 : Ishq Ishq Tera ( इश्क़ इश्क तेरा )
- Track 3 : Fraud Saiyaan ( धोखाधड़ी सईयां )
- Track 4 : Mashoor Hazoor - E - Aala ( मशूर हजूर-ए-आला )
- Track 5 : Ladies Paan ( देवियों पान )