Detective Mike Fletcher, a rugged and obsessive police officer, and his partner Kelsey Walker, are on the trail of a serial killer who prowls the streets targeting young streetwalkers. When his teenage daughter disappears, Fletcher discovers that the killer has kidnapped her after mistaking her for a prostitute. Fletcher's obsession goes into overdrive when he drops all professional restraint to get the killer and save his daughter
Mis Spell Name
- Factory, Fectory
- Drama
Production House
- M S Films and Productions
- Faisal Khan
- Faisal Khan
- -
Censor Date
- 02/11/2020
Censor Year
- 2021
Released date
- 09/04/2021
Released Year
- 2021
Censor Board Details (Central Board of Film Certification)
Certificate No :
- DIL/3/27/2020 (A) dt. 2-11-2020
Certificate Date :
- 02/11/2020
Office :
- Mumbai
Guage :
- -
Length :
- 10959 Feet 3653 Meters
Duration :
- 125 Minutes
Reels :
- 12
Color :
- Coloured
Native Language :
- Hindi
Dubbed Languages:
- Producer : Faisal Khan
- Director : Faisal Khan
- Writer : Faisal Khan
- Screenwriter- screenplay : Faisal Khan
- Dialog Writer : Faisal Khan
- Story : Faisal Khan
- Actor : Faisal Khan , Roaleey Ryan , Rajkumar Kanojia , Sharad Singh
- Actress : Ribbhu Mehra , Asha Singh
- Track 1 : Fry Day Ho Dry Day Ho ( फ्राई डे हो ड्राई डे हो )
- Track 2 : Ishq Tera Pal Raha ( इश्क तेरा पल रहा )
- Track 3 : Tu Faaslon Ko Yun Jodh De ( तू फासलों को यूं जोध दे )
- Track 4 : Let Me Touch You ( लेट मी टच यू )