In a small town in Southern India that lives within a cocoon of traditions and social morality, when a young gay man Kartik (Devansh Doshi), comes out to his mother Vasudha (Mona Ambegaonkar), her entire world comes crashing down. She has no one to turn to dispel her fears and doubts, to understand her loving son's truth. Moreover, as a woman, trapped within a patriarchal conservative society, her biggest challenge is to deal with her dogmatic husband Damodar (Ananth Mahadevan), and the conservative society around her. Evening Shadows is a universal story about a mother-son bonding and its emotional strength to withstand the ravages of time and harsh realities.
ईवनिंग शॅडोज
Evening Shadows
शाम की छाया
Mis Spell Name
- Evening Shadows
- Drama
Production House
- Solaris Pictures
- Sridhar Rangayan, Saagar Gupta, Mohammed Shaik Hussain Ali, Karim Ladak
- Sridhar Rangayan
- Shubha Mudgal
Censor Date
- 01/03/2018
Censor Year
- 2019
Released date
- 11/01/2019
Released Year
- 2019
Censor Board Details (Central Board of Film Certification)
Certificate No :
- U/A 000 -MUM
Certificate Date :
- 01/03/2018
Office :
- Mumbai
Guage :
- -
Length :
- 9078 Feet 3026 Meters
Duration :
- 102 Minutes
Reels :
- 10
Color :
- Coloured
Native Language :
- Hindi
Dubbed Languages:
- Another Language
- Producer : Sridhar Rangayan , Saagar Gupta , Mohammed Shaik Hussain Ali , Karim Ladak
- Director : Sridhar Rangayan
- Writer : Sridhar Rangayan , Saagar Gupta
- Composer : Shubha Mudgal
- Lyricist : Saagar Gupta
- Singer : Shubha Mudgal
- Actress : Mona Ambegaonkar , Arpita Raj
- Actor : Ananth Narayan Mahadevan , Harsh Doshi
- Track 1 : Surmaee Shaaml ( सुरमाई शाम )