Based on true event of valour shown by Bengal police, where the story revolves around a train robbery masterminded by Jharkhand based outlaw father-son Duo ( Shilendra and Satyendra Yadav). The chain of events unravel the true identity of the real culprit who happens to be a master of disguise, but ultimately meets his fate at the hand of Bengal police team after much pursuit thru different countries.
चेस नो मर्सी टू क्राइम
Chase No Mercy To Crime
Mis Spell Name
- Chase No Mercy To Crime
- Drama
Production House
- M.S. Films & Team
- Meena Sethi Mondal
- Suvendu Ghosh
- Pinaki Bose, Rohan D. Pathak
Censor Date
- 22/07/2019
Censor Year
- 2019
Released date
- 02/08/2019
Released Year
- 2019
Censor Board Details (Central Board of Film Certification)
Certificate No :
- U/A 0000
Certificate Date :
- 22/07/2019
Office :
- Mumbai
Guage :
- -
Length :
- 10964 Feet 3654 Meters
Duration :
- 125 Minutes
Reels :
- 12
Color :
- Coloured
Native Language :
- Hindi
Dubbed Languages:
- Telugu, Tamil
- Producer : Meena Sethi Mondal
- Director : Suvendu Ghosh
- Writer : Partha sarathi Chakraborty
- Screenwriter- screenplay : Partha sarathi Chakraborty
- Dialog Writer : Partha sarathi Chakraborty
- Story : Partha sarathi Chakraborty
- Composer : Pinaki Bose , Rohan D. Pathak
- Lyricist : Rohan D. Pathak
- Actor : Amit Sethi Mondal , Dipanjjon Basak , Sudip Mukherji , Satyendra Yadav , Mushtaq Khan , GARGI PATEL , Ramesh Goyal
- Actress : Sameeksha Gaur
- Track 1 : Har Khushi ( हर खुशी )
- Track 2 : One Two ( एक दो )