This drama follows the coming of age experiences of five teenagers who live under extremely impoverished conditions. Munna, an intelligent young man who works as a guide, Pakkiya who goes to school and does odd jobs including shoe polishing, Tillu, a movie fanatic with great dreams for the future, Harish, who begs on the streets and endures much abuse and Ganga, a vivacious young girl, are all fighting for survival. This evocative tale traces the struggle of these street kids as they fight for survival on the streets of the big bad city. Getting embroiled in drug peddling and other crimes, how will their futures pan out?
अंजान परिंदे
Anjaan Parindey
Mis Spell Name
- Anjan Parindey
- Comedy
Production House
- Aryan Arts Creations Movie Pvt. Ltd.
- Charanjeet Arora
- S. R. Pratap, Hemant Salve
- Arun-Vilas
Censor Date
- 06/01/2015
Censor Year
- 2015
Released date
- 16/01/2015
Released Year
- 2015
Censor Board Details (Central Board of Film Certification)
Certificate No :
- U/A 0000
Certificate Date :
- 06/01/2015
Office :
- Mumbai
Guage :
- -
Length :
- 9963 Feet 3321 Meters
Duration :
- 109 Minutes
Reels :
- 11
Color :
- Coloured
Native Language :
- Hindi
Dubbed Languages:
- Telugu
- Producer : Charanjeet Arora
- Director : S. R. Pratap , Hemant Salve
- Writer : S. R. Pratap
- Screenwriter- screenplay : S. R. Pratap
- Dialog Writer : S. R. Pratap
- Story : S. R. Pratap
- Editor : S. R. Pratap
- Composer : Arun-Vilas
- Lyricist : Deepak Angewar
- Actor : Mohak Meet as (-as Munna), Charanjeet Arora
- Actress : Shravani Mohite as (-as Ganga)
- Track 1 : Anjaan Parindey ( अंजान परिंदे )
- Track 2 : Kahan Chala Ye Dost ( कहां चला ये दोस्ती )
- Track 3 : Khaane Ka Peene Ka ( खाने का पीने का )
- Track 4 : Mein Band Botal Sharab ( में बैंड बॉटल शराब )